Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

week 4 solution

week 4 solution

Q You are having a discussion with your friend, Oscar, and he asks you what classes you are taking this term. You tell him that one of your classes is Women and the Criminal Justice System and that the current module is on women who are victims of child abuse, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault. Oscar then makes the following statement “I just do not understand women who stay in a battering relationship. My cousin, Elizabeth, is married to Alex who beats her and then, during the very few times she comes to family events she defends him to our family saying that Alex is a good husband and father to her two children. I do not understand why Elizabeth just does not leave Alex.” In your initial discussion post you will explain why Elizabeth does not leave Alex.

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Elizabeth is in a physically as well as verbally abusive relationship with Alex. The main question here is why she does not leave. This issue is extremely sensitive and emotional. There are many obstacles in the way for the woman and in this case Elizabeth is facing all those reasons. It may be the case that Elizabeth is scared of Alex and she fears that if she leaves him, he will cause physical harm to her. To save her life, she is read to be abused be Alex but not leave him. Alex like every other perpetrator must have tried to disconnect Elizabeth from her family and friends. This in turn has made Elizabeth completely dependent